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"Mocking Statement: Did I hear air escaping? My audio receptors detect a wheezing"
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There are several factions in the Galaxy of Jedi Masters Mod, each of one represents its interests and tries to achieve its own goals. The player meets almost every faction and interracts with them.


In the year 3951 BBY, after the Great Battle of Telos IV against the powers of Darth Nihilus, the Galactic Republic faced a political crisis. There is little information about the events of that time but in their result several factions separated from the Republic: the Exchage, the Company (or GenoHaradan), Czerka and the Droids. Furthermore, the Jedi, who tried to restore their Order after the defeat of Sith Triumvirate, once again became outlawed, so they were forced to go into hiding. By the year 3939 BBY (the events of the Jedi Masters mod) factions still exist independently, but there are attempts of diplomatic negotiations organized by the factions themselves on neutral planets (for example - Onderon).

The Galactic Republic[]

The Galactic Republic (or just the Republic) stayed with the same political system after the separation of factions, although the Republic itself greatly weakened. Thanks to such figures as Carth Onasi (the grand admiral of the Republic's fleet) and Bastila Shan (one of the few Jedi who didn't went into hiding) the Republic still exists and tries to regain its influence or at least create diplomatic unions with other factions via establising embassies.

Some important persons of the Republic:

The Exchange[]

The Exchange is a criminal organisation which separated from the Republic. Its main activity is based on slave trading, bounty hunting and illegal weapon trafficking. It's utterly unknown who is the current leader of the faction due to the fact that previous ones (Davik Kang and Goto) were killed, but it still exists as one of the Galactic powers and has its own embassy in Coruscant - the capital of the Republic.

The Company[]

The Company (also known as the GenoHaradan) is a faction of bounty hunters and assassins. Its main tools of manipulation on the political galactic arena are assassinations and execution of killing contracts. It was proclaimed illegal on the whole territory of the Republic, but after the separation of factions in the year 3951 BBY it took control of certain worlds, including Etti IV, and proclaimed itself a new Galactic power. Despite the obvious nature of the Company as the bounty hunter guild, it's trying to make the worlds under its control good to be lived in.

Some important persons of the Company:

  • Kannos
  • Mortlan
  • Kellem
  • Gluck
  • Dak

Czerka Corporation[]

Czerka Corporation (or just Czerka) is a private company, which is oriented of the business making and enrichment. During the Jedi Civil War (the events of KOTOR I) it supported the Siths by increasing their weaponary supplies, during the invasion of the Sith Triumvirate (the events of KOTOR II) it was trying to get the control of many worlds by offering its services, framing inhabitants into debts and also enslaving them. Among all these planets Kashyyk and Telos IV especially suffered from Czerka's influence. The crisis of 3951 BBY set loose on Czerka, it separated from the Republic and was able to do everything it considered useful (for example, immoral experiments on humans and other races). Zerka has also been engaged in space transportation for several years at the time of the mod. Doctor at the very beginning of the mod just uses this company's service to fly to Onderon. Each flight, apparently, has its own number. Doctor's flight number is 2-1-9.

The Droids[]

The Droids are the faction led by HK-47, the droid-assassin created by Revan. After the growth of M4-78 (which status is currently unknown) and taking the control of HK-51 factory HK-47 decided to unite the droids of the Galaxy under one banner. The crisis of 3951 BBY was a great opportunity for droids to separate from the Republic and proclaim themselves as a new Galactic power. Despite obvious dictatorship of HK-47 over the droids, they still act as one and try to achieve their main goal - to liberate all other droids of the Galaxy and fight for their rights among other intelligent lifeforms.

M4-78-B (the natural satellite of M4-78) is the capital of the Droids. The droids are building their army in the factory located there.

D'Arth Syyth's Followers[]

D'Arth Syyth - the intellegent entity and the concentration of the Dark Side. For thousands of years it gathered followers, whose main goal is to conquer the Galaxy and destroy it entirely. By the events of the Jedi Masters Mod they finally showed themselves and started the invasion, the result of which is determined from the actions of Doctor - the protagonist of the game. Many of the followers lost their original form and intelligence and became either Screamers or Banshees.

D'Arth Syyth controls the followers through its mightiest Force Sensitives - the Inner Circle. The members of the Circle are:

Minor factions[]

Aside from main factions of the Galaxy there are also not so big and influent ones.

The Mandalorians[]

"What's a warrior without a war?" - Boran

After the events of KOTOR I Canderous Ordo as the new Mandalore leader tried to unite his people. As he managed to do it by the end of the events of KOTOR II, he started to wait for the upcoming invasion told to him by Revan. Years passed, and many mandalorians ran out of patience as they lived without a fight. While waiting for the unknown enemy, almost everyone scattered across the Galaxy and once again became the mercenaries for hire. Canderous, realising that Revan betrayed and abandoned him, became apathetic to everything and everyone around him. With his son Boran and "the last of the true mandalorians" (as Boran claims them) still loyal to clan Ordo he stayed on Dxun, waiting for something to happen and getting an alcoholic addiction. When the remains of the clan start travelling with Doctor, the base on Dxun becomes completely abandoned. Canderous, being able to finally move forward, makes an another attempt of reuniting his people because the unknown enemy has finally arrived...

The Iridonian Mercenaries[]

The base of this faction is located on Janacks. While the planet is burning in the fires of the civil war, many iridonians became the mercenaries travelling across the galaxy and doing bounty hunting. Some of them were also hired by the D'Arth Syyth's followers.

Four Iridonians are located on Coruscant with one of their leaders and one on Etti IV. He belongs to the same group as the other four.


  • The Exchange is the only faction among the major ones whose role in the story is minimal. There are no characters who represent the Exchange (except the guard near the Exchange embassy on Coruscant), there are also no quests which could involve this faction to the main plot. Furthermore, on the meeting of factions on Onderon there are no Exchange representatives.
  • Czerka also has minimal impact on the story, though its role is revealed in the Tsig's questline. It is also possible to go to the Czerka's embassy on Coruscant unlike the Exchange's one. On the meeting of factions on Onderon Czerka has no representatives.
    • Doctor can find two Czerka's contacts (one on Etti IV, another - on M4-78-B) and do their quests.
    • Czerka has a control over the ship where Doctor is introduced to the story.
    • Czerka has a control over Mutanda Station where master Mallwarr can be found
  • It's uknown who becomes the leader of the Republic after Cressa's death and the destruction of the Senate on Coruscant. Presumably Carth Onasi becomes the temporar leader (as he was the Grand Leader of the Republic fleet and technically the right hand of Cressa) before new Senate will form and new Supreme Chancellor will be chosen